Annual Giving Back Drive
On December 23/16, we worked with our supporters and the Living Gospel Church in Winnipeg, to purchase, wrap, and personally hand out 87 gifts of mittens, toques, and scarves to the homeless and disadvantaged.
This year, this event has grown as we gave in both Edmonton and Winnipeg!
Food: We raised enough funds to be personally serve a warm dinner to approximately four hundred disadvantaged people at Hope Mission on February 16!
Clothing: We are so thankful to our supporters for providing over 50 large bags of warm winter clothing. We happily dispersed these much needed goods to non-profits that needed it most: Boyle Street Community Services, Mustard Seed, and Hope Mission.
Clothing: In Winnipeg as well, we received tremendous amounts of warm winter clothing from our supporters and donated them to Siloam Mission. Then on February 16, our volunteers went to Siloam Mission to sort all their donations.
Volunteer Hub *Coming Soon*
TOF is currently connecting with other volunteer organizations to create a Hub connecting our volunteers with those that need the man-power the most.